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Wednesday 15 August 2012

ive been away awhile

Hi folks,
Its been a long time since i have posted on here. had alot going on. I have children now, im sure you can understand how time consuming that can be lol.

anyway, since my last post ive done a few things. bad news 1st. With me being a mere human, i like many others have lapses in judgements, mainly with food. I have put abit of weight back on. making no excuses (although i could, pregnant partner wanting to eat for two which meant i did too). but thats all it is, an excuse. I know this. you know this.

So what else is new? onto the good news. apart from now having 2 children I have enrolled on a home study course (as im now busy running aound to find time to actually go to college) and i am working my way to a level 3 Nutrition Consultant Diploma thingy :)

I have also taken steps to volunteer as a health trainer to gain experience in the field of nutrition and weight loss/healthier lifestyles, as this is what i want to do for a living.

I will try much,much harder to keep adding on here. But i will at least check in regularly to answer any questions or to offer my humble advice. Not an expert, YET ;)

I would like to ask that you share my blog to as many people as possible. Ive said it before, if i help but one person thats fantastic. But what if it could help more??? will it kill you to share it? thanks in advance

ps. I dont actually mean my blog will help them fully but it may at least push people to reasses and maybe seek medical advice or that of a proffesional.
